My Journey to the New World

This site is about my on-going journey and search for truth and love and my desire to live life as an expression of who I really am and not who I or others think I should be. What I have experienced and come to know as my thruth has put me outside the “box” or progam, and 180 degrees out of phase with present society Beliefs Systems and their reality. John

Sunday, February 01, 2004


My trek began in 1990, when frustrated with my life and traditional dogma; I began my search for the truth. In the following seven years I had read over 250 books on almost every “new age” topic trying to find answers to my probing questions. As I ventured into the great unknown I had no guide, no sign posts, only my mind and my feelings, which I didn’t trust, to help me find what I was missing in my life. I was blinded by a fog, aware only that I was searching for something but not knowing what I was searching for, how to find it, where to look for it, or to even know if I had found it when I did, and then what to do with it. While this outward search offered some part truths, something was always missing. I was looking for a common thread that would link them all together and it wasn’t until I obtained, “Right Use Of Will” by Ceanne DeRohan that things began to click and make sense for me that “felt” right, even though I didn’t understand it at the moment. What I found that was common was not what was being said, but what was not being said, (denial) and that was a turning point.

By early 1997, I was meditating, meeting my guides and totems, channeling messages, clearing my astral plane, working with my chakras, doing past life regressions and inner-child work. All these “tools” opened new frontiers for me and it was at this time that I also began to keep journals, not only of my messages but also of my experiences. While this inward journey was new and exciting, something was still missing and I finally realized that now I needed to combine the “tools” that I had discovered, with the esoteric points of view and the emotional work that RUOW provided. During the next four years, I began to merge and apply them as I ventured further into this new and unknown “emotional” territory that took me through feeling almost every possible emotion as well as some experiences that are beyond belief. It was confusing and frustrating as I went through the gradual processes and different levels of healing; how sometimes I “couldn’t see the tree for the forest” and that there is no “quick fix” if true healing is the intent.

Finally in 2000, I experienced unconditional self-love for the first time in my life (in my existence) and I was awakened, so to speak, as what I experienced was a 180-degree shift, a complete reversal of what I had believed love was. Love was one thing that I didn’t expect to discover in my search for truth, as I believed that I was already a “loving” person. To begin to know the truth of what love is, I had to know what love is not. It took me eleven years to move from awareness, through the process of finding the tools that I needed, learning how to use them, to finally entering the gap and reaching my awakening point, that of bringing consciousness to unconsciousness with unconditional self-love. It was then I discovered the truth of how and why it was really me that was being unloving to myself, and that my present experiences were actually false feelings and emotions that were also a reflection and a re-action to that unlovingness. Once I had this realization, it was as if the fog had been lifted and my journey became clearer, but at the same time, I was flooded with even more questions.

I had recorded my experiences and the messages I was receiving, knowing that I would be writing a book and it is these chronological entries that form the basis of my yet unpublished book. This awakening and the insights I received bring this first book to a natural close but is also the beginning of the next step and my next book.

Although this is not a new topic, this work and my journey is unique because it goes against almost everything society has been lead to believe about emotions, feelings and what love is. We’ve all been searching for the truth and unconditional love and we’ve all been taught “the truth” and how to “be loving” (notice they are not one and the same) and in all the thousands of years of teaching it has never been successful. Why? Is it because we are ignorant, or because the present teachings are flawed, or both? People search for the truth, yet are afraid to speak or hear the truth, so how can we ever find the truth if it’s always denied? Emotions and feelings are also a part of who we are or we wouldn’t have them, and to deny them is to deny a part of who we are, to deny a part of who we are is to deny ourselves “unconditional” love. By denial, we then give ourselves “conditional” love which always feels lacking and incomplete and which we in turn give to others.

Now, I’m on the next step of my journey and that is to integrate this new awareness into the physical world, to heal other aspects of me, to “walk my talk” and to bring Heaven to Earth, the New World. I know that I’m a Wayshower and that what I’ve found, others search for and hope to find and this is what I want to share. And if that sounds like I’m blowing my horn, (still one of my issues to be healed I see) then so be it, it’s time for denials to end and the truth to be heard, “and the truth shall set you free.” While this journey into the unknown is frightening, it is also exciting as it “feels“ right, with a simple knowing that can’t be described, but is heart felt.

As of the posting of this page, 2004 Feb 02, I’m preparing to embark on yet another phase of my journey, I’m going to Sedona, Arizona, USA. I’ll have a little money saved up from the handyman jobs I’ve done in the past few weeks that will be enough to get me and my Nissan “pick up” truck there. I’m packing my tent, camping supplies, clothes and some personal belongings and I’ll just have to wait and see where the road leads me. I don’t know a single person down there, where I’ll be staying, or exactly what it is that I’ll be doing when I get there, all I know is that I need to be there. I’m leaving my computer behind and I don’t have a laptop, so I’ll be out of touch with the Internet for a while. I’ll try and find and Internet café to keep in touch.

John Rieger / Shenreed

PS To read more check out my other site Saysame


02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004   10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005  

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